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Layered Audits

The Action Audit application enables the execution of various types of audits, including the layered audit, also known as the LPA audit (Layered Process Audit). This type of audit involves the subject under review being audited by different individuals at multiple organizational levels within the company, such as a process engineer, area manager, or plant director. This approach provides a comprehensive view of the processes taking place in the enterprise. An added value is the diverse perspective on the audit, for example, from senior management, line employees, or external auditors, allowing for the verification of expectations and assumptions related to the audited subject.
In the new schedule form, it is possible to define several audit layers, assigning them to specific auditors, setting the time required to complete the audit, and determining the frequency of its generation. This allows for different schedules to be set for e.g. the plant director, area manager, or process engineer.
More information about LPA audits can be found on the Action Audit system blog.