Activity view
To display the details of an activity, click on the serial number located next to the action. Below is an example view:
The following elements are visible:
- Subject - the title of the action
- Assignee - the person assigned to carry out the task
- *Start date - the start date of the action
- Due date - the planned completion date of the action
- Fin. date - the completion date if the action has been finished
- Work progress - the progress indicator of the action
- Description - a brief description of the action
- Resolution - in the case of corrective actions, the proposed solution is described here
- Tasks - for nested action plans, all subtasks included in the action will be displayed here
- Attachments - a field where all attachments are visible; they can also be added using the green button with a plus sign
- Comments - a field where all comments are visible; a new comment can also be written in the designated area
- Regular Comment and Escalation buttons - allow adding a comment or escalating the action
When adding a comment, there is an option to use Escalation. If this option is used, the user responsible for the action will receive a special notification that draws their attention to the issue.