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Quick Start

This chapter describes the minimum knowledge about the Action Audit system that will quickly enable the user to start working with the system.

User Interface

  • After logging into the system, the user is presented with the Dashboard. This panel provides access to various statistics and quick information about events in the system
  • On the left side of the screen is the menu bar, which allows the user to access all elements of the Action Audit application
  • The top bar indicates the currently displayed screen and may contain contextual buttons
  • In the upper-right corner, there is the user’s name and their profile picture. Hovering over the name reveals a quick access menu, allowing access to:
    • My activities - a list of activities assigned to the user
    • My results - access to a panel with the user’s personal statistics, including basic information, key metrics, a list of open activities, and a list of open action plans.
    • Settings - access to user account settings
    • Logout - log out of the system

Audits, action plans, and activities

While using the application, the user will primarily work with these three key elements. Below is a general description of each:


An audit is a set of questions aimed at checking whether a given area meets specific requirements. It consists of questions imported from an assigned checklist, which can be answered according to different response scales, such as Yes/No, a quarter scale (1/4, 1/2, 3/4), ISO, VDA, etc. Audits can cover many entities, but several main types are distinguished among them: LPA, 5S/6S, VDA, EHS, customer service, etc. The audit screen appears as follows:

Audit Screen

Action Plan

An action plan is a set of tasks to be completed. Thanks to action plans, company responsibilities can be managed efficiently and in an organized manner. Action plans can be created as corrective actions following the detection of audit non-conformities or independently of audits as part of organizing company tasks. An action plan consists of individual actions, i.e., tasks that require completion. The action plan view offers several configuration options, such as adding an owner (the managing person), changing the name, adding tags (labels), modifying individual actions, adding comments, attachments, and adjusting settings. Below is an example of an action plan screen:

Action Plan Screen


An action is a component of an action plan. Each action has an assigned employee responsible for its execution, supervised by the action plan owner. An action consists of a title, start date, due date, finish date, a slider representing work progress, a description, a possible resolution, and the ability to add subtasks, support in the form of AI suggestions, attachments, and comments. Below is an example of an action screen:

Action Screen