Action Audit

Layered Process Audit Software

Layered Process Audit


Layered Process Audit (LPA) is a type of process audit with varied frequency that is carried out at many levels of the organization, from process engineer to plant director. Due to their high effectiveness, LPA audits have become a commonly used standard.

The main assumption of layered audits is that each employee, regardless of their position, can, and even should, be included in the auditing process. Contrary to the standard approach where all audits are entrusted to one or more defined groups of auditors.

A good practice when creating a schedule of layered audits is to set it in such a way that the scope of the audited issues increases with each layer, and the frequency of audits decreases.


Layered Process Audits using Action Audit

Layered Process Audits using Action Audit

The Action Audit module available in the Action Plan software provides many tools to help plan and apply layered process audits, making the whole project extremely easy to implement.

  1. A schedule in which the audit manager will precisely plan the audit plan for each layer in a few minutes, ensuring the appropriate frequency of control activities. The schedule is immediately presented in a graphical form, which allows you to get a full picture of the process and instantly identify any inconsistencies.

  2. Manageable checklists where, in addition to entering audit questions, you can easily define which layers the question applies to. By combining this function with advanced scheduling, the organization is able to configure our solution in a way that meets 100 percent of all requirements.

  3. The availability of the Action Audit tool - layered process audits can be performed both from a computer, a tablet or a phone. Thanks to the Pulse mobile application, the auditor will carry out the audit conveniently and without wasting time moving the results to the spreadsheet. All answers, as well as photo documentation of the inconsistency will be redirected to the right place in a fraction of a second.

Layered Process Audits using Action Audit

Key benefits of implementing layered process audits using Action Audit software

Overall improvement of the quality of the auditing process

- transparent scheduling, advanced configuration options, automatic assigning of auditors and addressing of corrective actions, combined with accurate real time reports, result in an overall improvement in the quality, transparency and reliability of the audit process.

Time saving

- the information obtained from the current users of the application shows that they achieve between 60 and 80 percent savings on time they previously spent on servicing the auditing process.

Greater team involvement

- having a tool with which auditors can carry out an audit from a computer, a tablet or a phone, and people responsible for corrective actions have access to comprehensive information about any inconsistencies, the involvement of the entire staff is increased and the effectiveness of interdepartmental cooperation is improved.

Secondary benefits - having a properly planned and rigorously enforced system of auditing, it is impossible not to mention a number of secondary benefits, including: improved product quality, fewer complaints, improved key production indicators and increased customer satisfaction.

How to run Action Audit in 3 steps?

Step 1

Click on the link below and fill out a short form in which we will ask you to present a few basic parameters regarding audits in your company.

Step 2

One of our specialists will contact you to arrange an online meeting to see how Action Audit will work in your organization.

Step 3

Based on the information from the form and the meeting, we will prepare an Action Audit especially for you and make it available for free testing for 30, 45 or even 60 days!