Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about Action Audit.
Questions regarding plans and pricing
Can I test Action Audit for free?
Yes, we offer an opportunity to test the system to a group of up to 20 people for at least 30 days without any payment. To be precise, the test period lasts until the end of the next calendar month, so the period can extendt to up to 60 days.
Is Action Audit payment one-time or monthly?
Action Audit is available as a subscription service, with either monthly or yearly paymetns. When choosing the yearly plan, the total cost is about 10% lower.
Are there any costs besides the subscription?
There are no entry fees tied to the implementation or the configuration of the system. Consultations within the scope of the chosen subscription plan also don't require additional payments. Additional costs can only be a result of the increase of the limits (of control lists, audit areas or attachment space) beyond the numbers stated in the subscription plan.
Do I have to declare target number of users right away?
It is not necessary. Number of users can be adjusted in any moment.
What if I payed for the whole year, and after few months decided to change the package?
If the change would result in higher subscription cost, you will be invoiced for the months not yet covered at the beggining of the next month. If the cost would go down, the saved money will be trasfered to the next subscription period.
Does the subscription cost change with the addition of other audit types?
No, the ability to work with all audit types is available in every functional package, and working with other audit types does not affect the subscription cost. However, adding new types requires defining new checklists and audit areas, which may lead to reaching the limits of these resources.
Questions regarding the implementation of Action Audit
How to start working with Action Audit?
We recommend starting with online consultations, where you will be able to get acquainted with the system. They are free, and a date can be arranged here: https://calendly.com/rubylogic/apen/.
Where can I find additional informaton and instructions related to Action Audit?
Here https://action-audit.com/docs/en/ you can find the user manual. We also reccomend subscribing to the newsletter, which is informative in nature, and a perfect source of knowledge - you can subscribe through a form in the footer of this page.
Will I get help with the initial Action Audit configuration?
Yes. As mentioned above, we recommend starting the cAction Audit implementation with an online conusltation meeting. During that meeting, aside from the system presentation, we discuss requirements and input initial configuration. If you decide to try Action Audit out we can also decide on the future steps, in order for you to best utilize the free test period.
I already have the audit checklists, can i imoport them to the system?
Yes, Action Audit includes a mechanism for importing checklists from an XLSX file. You just need to follow the specified column layout or (as we recommend) download the current import file template and copy your data into it. This function significantly speeds up and simplifies the process of uploading audit questions into the system.
Questions regarding the usage of Action Audit
How long is data entered into the system stored?
Since Action Audit is intended not only for conducting audits on an ad hoc basis but also for drawing conclusions, performing long-term analyses, and implementing continuous improvement tools, data in the system is stored indefinitely. All text data requires minimal storage resources, so it's not an issue. Photos, of course, consume more space, but the storage limits in the packages are designed in such a way that this will not be an issue for several, or even a dozen or so, years.