Action Audit

We saved more than 350 trees

Aleksander Niemczyk

Aleksander Niemczyk


We saved more than 350 trees

Action Audit is a solution that introduces a new quality in many aspects of planning and conducting the audit process in companies, also in the area of resource savings, including: electricity, paper and other natural resources.

As part of a larger Action Plan system, the principle of saving all kinds has been inherited by the audit module. "A side effect" of a well-designed management system, which is the Action Plan, are the savings in many areas:

  • Saving time devoted to handling daily management activities such as: planning activities, scheduling, verification of work progress or reporting.
  • Reduction of losses through immediate and accurate addressing of problems, as well as system-built support for tools such as: PDCA, 8D, QRQC, A3, 5-Whys and others.
  • Saving printer paper and toner by minimizing the need to print documents: forms, spreadsheets, summaries or reports - the user will find everything in the cloud without having to print.
  • Reducing the use of fossil fuels by facilitating remote work - using the Action Plan, the user has access to resources regardless of whether he is in the company or working remotely.

Quite a large forest was saved

Although the primary goal of the creation and development of Action Audit software were not the environmental issues or sustainable development of enterprises, but providing our clients with a solution that improves the efficiency of the production plant, we managed to achieve an amazing "side effect " in the form of an extremely positive impact on the environment.

Counting very carefully and taking into account only the audit reports that, thanks to Action Audit, did not have to be printed, our clients contributed to the saving of over 350 trees by saving 150,000 sheets of paper. However, we can confidently say that the savings and the positive impact on the natural environment are much greater, as other, more difficult to measure aspects were omitted in the calculations.

The development of the application continues, more factories decide to use our solution, thus enhancing the effect of development while respecting the natural environment. We estimate that we will count the saved trees in thousands... every month.

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    New Action Audit price list. Much more for a little more.

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    Aleksander Niemczyk

    Aleksander Niemczyk


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