Action Audit

Paramedics Day

Michał, Sysadmin

Michał, Sysadmin


Paramedics Day

Exactly 16 years ago, on October 13, 2006, the first Paramedics Day was held in Poland. The holiday was established by the act of September 8, 2006, to honor the thousands of people who fight for the lives and health of others every day.

Anyone can and should become a paramedic - so familiarize yourself with these essential steps so as not to miss the chance to save someone's life one day.

Emergency Numbers

112 or 999

One of the most important pieces of information to remember is the emergency number. Many of us under stress choose 999 - despite favoring the number 112, dialing the former is not a bad decision. Quite the opposite! - The number 999 is answered by a medical dispatcher - unlike the dispatcher of the European Emergency Number who answers calls from the number 112. However, both of these individuals are competent to take our call, provide necessary information, and dispatch an ambulance.

In stress, we often forget what and how we want to convey - for the dispatcher, the key data are:

  • The matter we are calling about - for example, a traffic accident, epileptic attack, fracture
  • The address where we are located or the number from the red post if the incident occurred on the road
  • Information about the person involved - e.g., gender, age, any existing medical conditions
  • Our name and surname

The dispatcher will record the information we provide and make a decision about sending emergency services or ask for additional information.

It is very important to refrain from ending the call before the dispatcher allows us to do so - perhaps we have forgotten something that is very important for healthcare!

First Aid

If someone's health or life is not directly threatened, do not call the emergency number. This way, the dispatcher will be able to devote their time to reports that may affect someone's health or life.

If we are not sure what to do in the event of a specific incident, calling the emergency number is the only right option. Improperly performed action may not only fail to help but actually harm - while also taking away invaluable time to save someone's health or life.

Also, not providing first aid when possible can not only result in someone's death or disability - but also lead to criminal consequences, including imprisonment for up to 3 years.

However, we publish lists of actions to be taken in the most common accidents - being familiar with them may one day result in a successful first aid action. They come from the Ministry of Health website and are up to date as of September 21, 2022.


  • Apply a cold compress to the bruised area.
  • Immobilize the bruised limb in the position chosen by the victim - one that causes them the least pain.
  • If there is severe pain, administer painkillers.
  • If necessary, consult a doctor.


  • Stop the bleeding from the wound by applying pressure to the bleeding area with a sterile dressing.
  • Clean the wound from dirt and foreign bodies.
  • Wash the wound with soap and water, rinse with a disinfectant.
  • Apply a sterile dressing, bringing the edges of the wound together.
  • Bandage the wound.
  • If necessary, consult a doctor (tetanus prophylaxis).
  • Do not remove large objects embedded in the wound; immobilize them and leave them until the arrival of the medical rescue team.
  • Do not move the injured person.


  • Immobilize the limb.
  • Hang the fractured arm on a sling or bandage.
  • Place the fractured leg on a board and immobilize it with a bandage or stabilize it by securing it to the healthy leg with a bandage.
  • If the fracture is open, dress the wound with a sterile gauze dressing or clean clothing; remember not to push bone fragments inside.
  • If necessary, call the emergency medical team by dialing the emergency number 999 or 112.


  • Apply a cold compress to the dislocated joint.
  • Immobilize in the position chosen by the victim.
  • If there is severe pain, administer painkillers.
  • If necessary, call the emergency medical team by dialing the emergency number 999 or 112.

Bleeding from a wound

  • If you have a sterile dressing, apply it to the wound; if not, use clean clothing.
  • Apply local pressure to the wound.
  • Raise the injured limb above the trunk.
  • If necessary, call the emergency medical team by dialing the emergency number 999 or 112.


  • Lay the victim on their back with their legs raised higher than their torso.
  • Apply

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