Action Audit

Advanced Analyses in Action Audit [system update]

Aleksander Niemczyk

Aleksander Niemczyk


Advanced Analyses in Action Audit [system update]

The Action Plan system and the Action Audit module in particular have been developing very dynamically in recent months and we are implementing improvements and launching new functions almost every week. That is also the case this week.

This time the audits module was equipped with two highly useful reports and a place from which the user will be able to start the analysis - so-called Report Center.

Questions Impact Report

The first report - Questions Impact Report is a complete study of the impact of the questions on audit results for a selected period of time. Thanks to it, as a manager, you will receive comprehensive information about which questions, and thus which aspects of the audit, cause the most problems. With this knowledge and a complete picture thanks to additional trends observed over the entire period, you can quickly identify the source of the problem without having to analyze audit results one by one!

Imagine how much time you can save and how quickly you will be able to present a complete analysis of the most problematic aspects covered by the audit.

Raport wpływu pytań

Audit Area Results Report

The second, sister analysis just introduced in the Action Audit module is the Audit Area Results report which shows the cumulative values of scores entered by the auditors from the audit area point of view.

As in the first report, you can also observe the top and bottom audit areas in any given period of time. For each area, a trend is presented that provides additional information on how the results change over time.

Cooperation with customers

Action Plan is a solution that works successfully for many manufacturers, mainly from the automotive industry. One of the principles we adopted at the very beginning and which we still hold firmly oni to is to listen to our customers and be ready to implement solutions that can help them in their day-to-day duties. The two reports described above are a clear example of this approach - in response to the demand, we have prepared an appropriate solution that now can be used by all Action Plan users.

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