Layered Process Audits
What are multilayer audits?
Unlike other types of audits, LPA is not carried out by one group of specialists, e.g. by quality auditors. Almost everyone, regardless of the hierarchy in the organization, is an auditor, from the operator in production to the plant director. Thanks to this, everyone is aware of the quality level of the products manufactured by the organization. Of course, the frequency of audits by the operator is much greater than those for which the department manager or director is responsible.
Everyone is an auditor
In this specific audit methodology, employees at any level of the company's structure may be responsible for carrying out the audit.
Sample schedule of multilayer LPA audits
Better sharing of responsibilities
Thanks to the use of multilayer LPA audits, each of the people taking part in the audit has a clearly defined area of their responsibilities and conducts an audit in the scope of their position. This method allows the decision-makers to be relieved of the obligation to directly supervise each of the company's departments.